
30 Things to do While Social Distancing

Most of us have been practicing social distancing for a few weeks now and it’s starting to get to that point where the stir-craziness might be setting in. I am an introvert by nature and I grew up in the country. Since I couldn’t walk to my friends’ house anytime I wanted to hang out on the weekends or in the summer, I got pretty good at entertaining myself. Honestly, for me, this social distancing order is a welcome change of pace from an otherwise pretty busy life. I know most people do not feel the way that I do and I think at least part of that is because they don’t know what to do with themselves. If you are less than thrilled about all of your planned events being canceled and favorite hang-outs closing down, here are 30 ideas of things that you can do while social distancing!

1. Start a to-do list

Or if you are like me, get caught up on your to-do list. 🙃 I swear, 95% of the items on my to-do list have been there for at least six months and I just keep re-writing them every time I update the things I need to get done. If you don’t have one though, I highly recommend writing one. Think about all the things that you have been meaning to do, but just haven’t had the time to. Not only will it help you prioritize things to do first, but it will also serve as a reference for things to do when you start to feel bored. (PS. If you want to be an ultra nerd like be, decorate your to-do list with fun stickers and washi tape. It will take you a little longer to write, but it will also spark creativity)

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

2. Keep a physical planner

It’s hard to be bored when you have a plan for all the things you want to accomplish every day. A lot of the time I even add more items to my planner than I know that I will realistically be able to get done. For me, it helps with motivation. When I see all the things that I would like to accomplish, I push myself to get to as many of them as possible. (PS. I also decorate my planner with stickers and washi tape. Then I use different hand lettering fonts and different colored pens to fill in the details. It takes me a little more time than it otherwise would, but I truly find joy in taking the time to do it)

3. Catch up on a good TV Series

Ok, I promise the rest of the ideas on the list will not be as obvious as this one! If you are anything like me, you keep yourself too busy to ever really sit down and start a TV series. I am a huge fan of light-hearted shows like Schitt’s Creek and the Office as well as home decor and design shows. They are the types of shows that I can turn on as background noise. I don’t, however, have to glue myself to the TV or pay super close attention to them to still understand the gist of what is going on. Now would be the perfect time to start a series that requires a little more of your attention and keeps you engaged

4. Movie

While I’m not a huge TV person, I do love a good movie. There have been years in the past where I have gone and seen all of the movies nominated for best picture at that year’s Oscars. I haven’t been able to dedicate myself to that level of movie-going for a couple of years now, but now would be the perfect time to get caught up on Academy Award winners (and nominees) from the past couple of years. 

5. Workout

There are so many health benefits to working out including (but not limited to) stress relief, improved mood and boosted immunity! The fact that you can’t get to a gym might be an easy and convenient excuse for skipping your workout, but don’t! Not only does working out offer a plethora of health benefits, but it will also add a sense of routine and normalcy to an otherwise very unnatural situation.

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

6. Budget

When was the last time you sat down and assessed your budget? Do you owe any debts that you would like to pay off? Do you have healthy emergency savings built up? Are you contributing enough to your retirement savings? If you are fortunate enough to be working right now, it is the perfect time to get serious about your finances. The economy is in a downward spiral right now. A lot of people are going to be tightening up the bootstraps. Even if you haven’t lost any part of your income, now is a great time to start living much further below your means because you won’t be the only one doing it! Sometimes moral support makes these types of things much easier and even a little bit fun!

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

7. Deep Clean

When was the last time you wiped down the inside of your fridge? It has been much longer than I would like to admit for me. Germs can’t spread on sanitized surfaces! There is no better time to deep clean every nook and cranny in your place!

8. Get Organized

I don’t know about you, but disorganization stresses me the eff out! There is nothing more frustrating than going to grab an item from the spot that it is supposed to be in only to find that it is not there! It drives me absolutely nuts when that happens! If there is a part of your house where that tends to happen more than others, take it as a sign that it needs to be reorganized and get on it!

9. Give yourself a mani

Now is the time to get good at giving yourself an at-home mani. Most nail salons are closed and it is probably going to be a while before they can open again. The good news is that this is a good way to kill an hour if you are bored at home! If you are new to DIY manis, check out this blog post write up I shared on some of my favorite at-home manicure options

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

10. Cook Something

Or learn to cook if that’s something you haven’t done that yet. Trying new recipes can sometimes be a little daunting and time-consuming. I find that I do my best cooking when I’m not rushed or under pressure. I prefer to try new recipes when I am cooking for myself or my immediate family. That way, if things don’t go quite as planned, at least there is no one that you are trying to impress!

11. Bake Something

And before you ask, no this is not the same as cooking something! Baking is way more scientific and there is much less room for error. This is the main reason why I personally prefer cooking. If you are someone who would prefer to stick to a script, find a bread or muffin recipe that looks good and whip it up!

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

12. Learn a new Skill 

The beauty of having to social distance in 2020 is that we have the world wide web connecting us to an ENDLESS amount of information! What is something that you have been wanting to try your hand at? There is probably an online course or a youtube video out there for it somewhere. If you need ideas of a skill that you’d like to learn, check out Udemy, Groupon, or LivingSocial for inspiration.

13. Refine a skill you already posses

If you are finding yourself with a lot of extra time on your hands, but don’t have any new skills that you would like to learn, why don’t you try honing in on a skill that you already possess? Practice makes perfect, after all. You aren’t going to get any better at skateboarding by sitting on the couch scrolling on your phone!

14. Plan your dream vacation

Hey, why not?! Maybe it will give you something to save for and look forward to after we get this virus is under control. All of the recent social events that have been canceled lately should make saving money much easier. Why not put it towards the vacation of a lifetime?  

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

15. Play a video game

I will be the first to admit that I am not a huge video game person, but I do have a weak spot for the Sims. I swear that game is the teen/adult version of playing barbies. It is so addicting! Even if the Sims isn’t your thing, I’m sure that there is a game available via stream or download that you will enjoy!

16. Play a Board Game

If you happen to live with family or a significant other or a roommate, bust out the Monopoly! If you live alone, find a game to play online. Either way, if you’re bored and looking for something to do, this is a real easy way to kill a few hours!

17. Read a Book

Or 30. When was the last time you actually sat down with a physical book (not a kindle or an audiobook) and got lost in it? This used to be a go-to summertime activity for me when I was a kid. As an adult, my life stays pretty busy, so it has been quite a while since I’ve read an entire book. Being forced to lay low makes for the perfect opportunity to jump into a good novel.

18. Start a virtual book club

On the topic of books, why not start a book club?! With apps like zoom and google hangouts, there is no excuse to not stay social, even while social distancing. If you are already a part of a book club, take it online! If you don’t have a book club, why not start one now! It will keep you busy and social. 

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

19. Outfit Plan

Many of us might be hanging in our loungewear all day these days, but eventually, life is going to go back to normal and we will need something to wear again. Why not get ahead of it and start outfit planning now? That way you will have one less thing to worry about when life gets busy again.

20. Start a Scrapbook

How many photos do you have stockpiled in your phone or on your computer or printed out and stashed a box? How much good are they really doing in these places? Making a scrapbook of all your favorite memories is a good way to relive those moments and share them with others. You can order supplies from a craft store or you can go the digital route and create pages on your computer. 

21. Make some jewelry

Doesn’t it feel good to be able to look at something and think “I made that”?! It can be something as simple as a delightful home-cooked meal or as complex as a DIY furniture project. There is something that is so inherently satisfying about being able to create something out of nothing. The same goes for jewelry making. There are a ton of jewelry projects on Pinterest and youtube. Some are super quick and easy, while others might take hours to complete. Find one that you love and you would actually wear or give as a gift and make it from scratch!

22. Virtual Happy Hour / Coffee date

As much as the introvert in me wants to use this social distancing as an excuse to hermit up in my apartment, staying social is vital for not only our psychological wellbeing but also our physical health. If you live alone like I do, you should still try and interact socially in some way. A virtual happy hour or coffee date is a great way to check-in with a friend or relative without jeopardizing your health or anyone else’s. 

23. Learn how to make a new craft cocktail

Speaking of happy hours, when was the last time you learned a new drink recipe? I usually stick to my go-tos out of time constraints, but since we all have a little more time on our hands right now, it’s not a bad time to learn to make a new go-to! Especially since liquor stores are considered essential businesses.

24. Take a bath

Or take it a step further and have an at-home spa day. Many of you reading this might be feeling anxious right now. For your health and immunity, it is important to do what you can to calm those feelings. If a bubble bath or a spa day can help you relax, definitely do it!

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

25. Start a journal

I personally have never been a big journal person. The only time I ever seem to write consistently in a journal is when I am going through a rough patch. I find that it helps with being able to pinpoint my emotions and where they are coming from. If you are someone who is having a tough time with this Coronavirus scare and having to social distance, starting a journal might help. If you don’t feel like you are having a tough time and are just bored, look into bullet journaling. It could be a creative and fun way to kick your boredom.

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

26. Make a bucket list

There is nothing like being told we can’t do something that makes us want to do that thing all the more, am I right?! Since you’re probably thinking about all the things that you wish you could be doing or would have done, you might as well start a list of them. After this, when life returns to normal, we will appreciate being able to do those things all the more!

27. Make this year’s holiday cards/gift tags

We might still be 8 months away from the holidays, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t start early. Christmas time might seem like it’s a long way off, but it always has a way of sneaking up on us, doesn’t it? Think of how much time prepping what you can for the holidays now, while you have some free time on your hands, will save you when the business of the season sets in!

28. Update your seasonal decor

Typically, Christmas is the only holiday that gets any special decorations in my place. This is mainly because I just don’t spend enough time at home to justify putting up and taking down new seasonal decor every couple of months. Now that I am going to be confined to my place for an unspecified amount of time, I might actually take the time to update my space for the season.

Photo Courtesy of Ivory Mix

29. Sew some facemasks

In case you hadn’t heard, there is a severe shortage of face masks right now. Some medical professionals are skipping bathroom breaks so that they can keep the same mask on during their entire shift. If you are so bored, why not help during this time of crisis? If you can sew a straight line, you can make a face mask! Here is a video tutorial that Joann Fabrics posted to their youtube channel.

30. Do a puzzle

If all else fails, you can always put together a puzzle! I have a good friend who swears by puzzle making. Turn on your favorite TV series or record and spend an afternoon challenging and improving your brain!

I hope at least one of these things to do while social distancing has sparked some motivation for you! These are crazy times and I think all of us are a little on edge or struggling with it in some way. Being forced to cancel plans and stay to ourselves isn’t the most ideal situation. I think that we can all agree that as long as we have our health and our loved ones, we are as blessed/lucky/rewarded (however you want to look at it) as we can ask to be right now.

Thank you so much for reading. Stay Well!